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SOCIOL 4510: Gender, Crime and the Criminal Justice System

Spring 2022 Calendar

This course is meets
Wednesdays and Fridays 2:20pm - 3:30pm EST

This is a tentative reading list for the course.
Assignments are due on Friday nights at Midnight for the week in which they are assigned.
There is a two day grace period for late assignments. After that, there is a 20% late penalty per day.

Week 1

Introduction to Gender and Crime

Week 2

Theories of Victimization

Week 3

Rape and Sexual Assault

Week 4

Intimate Partner Abuse and Stalking

Week 5

Review and prepare for the first exam

Exam 1: Introduction, Chapters 1 - 4

Week 6

International Issues

Week 7

Women, Gender, and Offending

Week 8

Girls, Gender, and Juvenile Delinquency

Week 9

Female Offenders and their Crimes

Spring Break

Week 11

Review and prepare for the second exam.

Exam 2:  Chapters 5 - 8

Week 12

Processing and Sentencing of Female Offenders

Week 13

The Supervision of Women: Community Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry

Week 14

The Supervision of Women: Corrections

Week 15

Police, Corrections, and Offender Services

Week 16

Courts and Victim Services

Finals Week

Review and prepare for the third exam.

Exam 3:  Chapters 9 - 13


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